Global Renewable Energy Expansion

In October 2019, a report from the International Energy Agency forecast that renewable energy use would expand by at least 50% over the following five years, buoyed by a resurgence in solar energy driven by more cost-effective technology. At the time of the IEA report , the solar sector was rolling new projects out at a faster rate than at any point in the previous four years. The same was also true for both the hydropower and wind power sectors. The IEA is now predicting an increase in the world’s solar capacity of 600GW by 2024, which is nearly double Japan’s installed total electricity capacity. Marcel Kooter is a strong advocate for energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables and works with companies in the energy industry to help them define strategies that will decarbonise their operations cost-effectively. Increased output and reduced costs for solar, wind and hydropower will likely play a key role in future strategies. Introducing theUK’s Green Recovery Challenge Fun...