The Business Sustainability Crisis

Sustainability as a concept is not just desirable, it is essential in modern business.
The CEO of World Wide Generation, Manjula Lee, spoke about business sustainability at a recent conference with a sharp focus on the place of sustainability in post-Brexit Britain. She stated that sustainability should be at the heart of business decision-making and investment strategy as it has an impact on the environment and on the long-term future of the business.
Sustainability underpins the solutions that Marcel Kooter devises for companies in his role as a consultant at Telos Partners. Sustainability can be implemented through strategic and organisational change. It’s about fulfilling global energy requirements whilst best optimising natural resources. 

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

The UN has a target list for completion by 2030. Known as Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, organisations can strive to reach these goals for successful business strategy and simultaneously help the poorest world nations. According to Lee, it’s about a cultural shift, sharing common goals with other businesses rather than the silo mentality. 

World Wide Generation
World Wide Generation is behind the creation of an investment platform to provide digital data to better inform sustainable investment decisions. The ecosystem platform is designed for multi-agency use and brings together a collection of technologies to solve the problem of evaluating the impact of individual business decisions. The idea is to create a belief change leading to a sustainable future.

Sustainable Strategies Post-Brexit
Whatever the post-Brexit landscape in the UK, forward momentum needs to centre around sustainable options and Fintech, particularly in the potentially damaging fallout period.

Measuring the Impact
Short-term profitability, the mantra of the shareholder and investor, must be countered by the long game. The world needs to survive and thrive for centuries to come or there will be no profit. One of the biggest conundrums is how to measure the impact of specific business decisions, a problem solved by World Wide Generation. The platform allows investment decisions to be monitored with appropriate due diligence.